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My first blog

Posted on:January 12, 2023 at 03:22 PM

Since the last year I was trying to put some effort on a side project in order to learn some amazing new technologies or just for fun. There are a lot of complicated things about side projects, but for me was to actually start something so I choose building my personal blog to fill that purpose.

The Stack 🏗

I like to consider me as a backend developer, however as most of us, sometimes we had to interact with some UI and one on the first technologies I learned after jQuery was VueJS. Time ago, with my experience on Vue, I pick Nuxt.js to develop a very simple landing website and it was really fun and a nice experience.

For the moment, I want to try a new experience and Astro could really fulfill this purpose. It is going to be really cool to improve my React on TS knowledge.

Motivation 🔥

I’m really passionate about sharing things and knowledge, usually, I share links with my friends or coworkers in our Slack and then save in Pocket, but now I want to go one step further writing a little review as an entry post. This idea was heavily inspire in the Freek Van der Herten’s blog. I really admire this guy from the Laravel community, for example he suggests to blog about things we learned, so I’m taking this approach for now and beyond.

Lastly and not less important, improving my writing English was my other motivation, I hope this project is going to help me on that side. I’m very proud to finally lunch my blog. :)